Monday, July 7, 2014

Day 6: Community Kitchen

Today was the first day of cooking but I was one of the 33 not cooking. So in the morning, I was doing more team and leadership building games. The games were concentrated on good and bad stress, but were still pretty fun. We walked up to the park and had to communicate to do the one activity.

Shortly later, we went to Allan's to have lunch that was cooked and served to us by our friends. We had chicken seasoned with rosemary, pasta and vegetables. For dessert was a strawberry creme buréleé, the dessert was delicious.

When I headed back from lunch, I showered and got changed for going to the community kitchen. I headed down to the train station with the other 21 of us volunteering and listened to music on the way to Rome. We took a bus from the train station to the community kitchen. I was a little nervous to volunteer there. I did enjoy the experience a lot though. I got to talk to some locals and here their stores and giveback to the wonderful country.

When we got back to Frascati, Liana and I went to get some supper and geloto since we haven't ate yet. For supper we grabbed pizza, I prosciutto and cheese, which I enjoyed. For geloto, I had chocolate and stracitella, which is like cookies n' cream. After we went to the grocery store and got some snacks for the night.
Community kitchen

View outside the bus window

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